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2023 Chapter News - Page 4

January 14th, 2023 Meeting, Gilbert International Airpark (SC45), 12pm-4pm

Left: Our great chapter directors for 2022, and again in 2023, Larry Maner, Jim McClain, and Dave Gardner
Right: Our equally great chapter photographers for 2022: Steve Preston, Jim Matthews, and Rob Bridgers
 Click on each photo to see more photos

     Our first chapter meeting of the new year was held on January 14th, 2023 at Gilbert International Airpark (SC45) from approximately 12:00 noon until 4:00pm. After a delicious lunch hosted by members beginning at 1:00pm, President, Randy Berry, welcomed everyone for what we hope will be a prosperous chapter new year. He recognized Ron Angerman and Angela Collins for their gracious hosting of our chapter event(s) today and in past years. He also thanked everyone who brought food today, which is what makes our monthly lunches so great. He further thanked those who made monetary donations, which go to reimburse those who bring food, if they so desire .

     Our business/information meeting commenced around 2:00pm. The minutes from our November 20th, 2022 meeting were approved. Treasurer, Libby Berry, gave a report on recent expenditures and our bank balance as of today, indicating that our chapter finances are well "into the black" and looking very good as we head into 2023. Don Schmotzer gave a safety presentation on "cold weather flying" and related a personal experience he had some years back with rime ice build-up on his plane which happened almost instantly. Randy showed the January EAA video featuring EAA CEO, Jack Pelton on our overhead chapter TV screen. Randy then presented chapter officers, directors and other deserving chapter members with sevice awards for their services in 2022. Click on the photos above to see more photos of members who received awards.

     Randy then asked the membership for their ideas on "what they would like to see our chapter accomplish this coming year". A few of the ideas were: (1) to continue our great lunches, (2) for some of our own very talented members to give presentations on their aircraft building projects and/or personal flying experiences, (3) to have fly-outs to other airports and arrange for food to be delivered by food truck or other means, (4) to invite guest speakers and those who have unique or unusual aIrcraft, and (5) to have a chapter fly-in this coming fall. In addition, we plan to have our normal business reporting. Chapter members may view further details in the MINUTES section of the MEMBERS ONLY area of our website.

     To view photos taken by chapter photographers, click on each photo above, Steve Preston's photos are on the left and Jim Matthews' photos on the right.

February 18th, 2023 Meeting, Gilbert International Airpark (SC45), 12pm-4pm

Left: Photos of planes attending the February 18th meeting by Steve Preston
Right: A few of the attendees at the February 18th meeting by Jim Matthews
 Click on each photo to see more photos

     Our second chapter meeting of the new year was held on February 18th, 2023 at Gilbert International Airpark (SC45) from approximately 12:00 noon until 4:00pm. After a delicious lunch hosted by members beginning at 1:00pm, President, Randy Berry, welcomed everyone. He again recognized Ron Angerman and Angela Collins for their gracious hosting of our chapter event today and in past years. He also thanked everyone who brought food today, which is what makes our monthly lunches so great. He further thanked those who made monetary donations, which go to reimburse those who bring food.

     Our business/information meeting commenced around 2:00pm. The minutes from our January 14th, 2022 meeting were approved. Treasurer, Libby Berry, gave a report on recent expenditures and our bank balance as of today, indicating that our chapter finances are well "into the black" and looking very good. 

     Randy then informed us that he had been contacted by EAA just after our January meeting to enlist our chapter's help in hosting the lar ge hangar to house the Ford Tri-motor for a week, so Lexington County Airport was quickly ruled out since there are no hangars there larger enough to house the aircraft. He then contacted South Carolina Aeronautics Commission to enlist their help, and the Executive Director said that he would check it out. He also visited Celebrate Freedom Foundation (CFF) next door to see if they could help.The COO of CFF knew the 2nd in command at Eagle Aviation, so he contacted that person to see if Eagle Aviation might help. By the time the meeting was held today, he was already working on 3 potential locations to host the event at Columbia Metro Airport (CAE). Randy asked the group if they agreed that our chapter should participate in hosting the Ford Tri-motor event at CAE. and the response was a resounding "YES".

     Next, David Brown gave us an excellent presentation on his Moni Motorglider project. David is a qualified A&P mechanic, so he has the necessary experience. He showed us many photos of his progress, as well as trials and tribulations that he experienced along the way. He talked about engine selection, panel and instrument location, and design considerations and modifications. He has received advice and help of our chapter technical advisor, Don Harper. He is choosing to built the aircraft as EXPERIMENTAL because of the weight involved. He showed us two videos of similar aircraft that have been built and are now flying. At present, he is nearing completion on the aircraft. Soon, he will contact the FAA for the necessary approvals and began the testing phase. Thank you, David, for an interesting and entertaining presentation.

Click on the photos above to see more photos.

March 18th, 2023 Meeting, Celebrate Freedom Foundation, 2pm-4pm

Jack Lovelady, COO of Celebrate Freedom Foundation, tells us about the Cobra helicopter behind him
 Click on the photo above to see more photos

     Our third meeting of the new year was held on March 18th, 2023 at Celebrate Freedom Foundation (CFF) from approximately 2:00pm until 4:00pm. CFF had no lunch facitilities so lunch was on our own today. Jack Lovelady, COO of CFF, gave us a history of CFF, how it all began, it's mission, and how it acquired it's aircraft. CFF visits schools, colleges, and aviation and other events giving a salute to US veterans and teaching STEM courses to students. They have visited locations in the USA and even other countries. They have a beautiful Cobra helicopter, several Huey helicopters, and several military vehicles. The story behind the acquisition of the Cobra was very interesting. They even have a fully operational Hunter military drone. This was one of the most entertaining and informative meetings we've ever held, and everyone who attended appeared to really enjoy it. No sleepers today! Jack and the crew work on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so Jack invites any of our chapter memberto stop by on those days to see their operation. I think you'll be impressed. After the meeting at CFF, we visited Eagle Aviation and got a tour of their facility. We also checked out the location where the Ford Tri-motor event will be help. Click on the above photo to see more photos.

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