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2023 Chapter News - Page 3

May 20th Meeting, Gilbert International Airpark (SC45). 12pm-4pm

The image above is of members who supported the Ford Tri-motor event on May 11th-14th. Several members were missing when the photo was taken.
Click on the photo above for more photos from chapter photographer, Steve Preston.

     Our May meeting was held on May 20th, 2023  at Gilbert International Airpark (SC45). Members started arriving as early as 12:00noon and started socializing. We continued socializing and had a nice lunch beginning around 1:00pm of hotdogs with trimmings, supporting items, desserts and beverages.

     Then, President, Randy Berry, conducted our business/information meeting starting around 2:00pm. First, he recognized several members who perform outstanding service for our chapter, the first of which were Ron Angerman and Angela Collins for providng their excellent hangar for our meeting today. Randy also recognized everyone who brought food today, as well as those who donated money in order to reimburse those who prepared and brought food. We always have great lunches!

     Randy then introduced our newest chapter member, Bill Vantine. Bill retired from Publix recently, moved here, owns a Cessna 172, and is looking for a CFI and a place to hangar/keep his plane. He also welcomed several guests, including Tiffany Lastinger, and her daughter, Grace. Grace is 15 years old, just started taking flying lessons, has about 6 hours of flying time now, and is considering possibly making aviation a career. Also, Harry Corley and his son, Josh, attended today. Josh has about 40 hours of flying time now, so he should be getting his PPL soon.

     Then, Randy covered some routine business matters. He mentioned that the minutes from the April 15th meeting had been posted and asked if there were any changes or additions to the minutes. There were none, so the minutes were approved as written. Then, we had a treasurer's report, which indicated that our chapter is in healthy financial condition. Also, we will realize some donations from EAA from our recent Ford Tri-motor event. Then, Randy showed the EAA May video. Charlie Becker reported on several "wins" for EAA, including approval of the VARMA program, which provides for allowing some "off the shelf" parts to be installed in vintage airplanes with certificates from 1980 and earlier. Then, Don Schmotzer made a safety presentation on the "aviation chain of events", which included several examples.

     A last agenda item mentioned was that our meeting attendance has fallen off since moving to Saturday meetings. Therefore, we plan to take an "official vote" to determine whether members prefer Saturday or Sunday meetings in the future. We'll decide that at our next meeting on Saturday, June 17th. You may vote by phone, email, or in person at the meeting by contacting our chapter secretary, Debbie Philbin. Randy also commented on several upcoming events. Then, the meeting was adjourned.

Ford Tri-motor Event, Eagle Aviation @ CAE, May 11-14, 2023

Click on the image above for photos taken at the event.

     Our Ford Tri-motor event was a HUGE success! EAA was elated and said that sales at the event "knocked it out of the ballpark". I asked what typical ticket sales were at these events, and they said it averaged around 50. By contrast, 281 tickets were sold at our event. That is amazing! Not only that, but all of our chapter members who came to support the event got to ride on the aircraft as well, a number in the right "co-pilot's" seat up front. Thanks to all of our members and others who supported the event. You all did a great job!

     Special thanks go to Eagle Aviation for hosting the event at their location and South Carolina Aeronautics Commission for hangaring the aircraft each night, plus their staff for coming to support the event during and after hours and over the weekend. Some of their staff got to ride also. Also, thanks to Jim McClain who supported the event with a $500 Ford Tri-motor sponsorship.  For photos from the event by chapter photographer, Steve Preston, click on the photo above.

April 15th, 2023 Meeting, Gilbert International Airpark (SC45), 12pm-4pm

Click on the image above for more information about the Ford Tri-motor,
which started the age of commercial aviation.

     Our April chapter meeting was held on Saturday, April 15th, 2023 at Gilbert International Airpark (SC45) from approximately 12:00 noon until 4:00pm. After a delicious lunch hosted by members beginning at 1:00pm, President, Randy Berry, welcomed everyone. He recognized Ron Angerman and Angela Collins for their gracious hosting of our chapter event(s) today. He thanked those who brought food today, which is what makes our monthly lunches so great. He further thanked those who helped Ron set up tables and chairs for today's meeting, and also those who made monetary donations, which go to reimburse those who bring food.

     Our business/information meeting commenced around 2:00pm. The minutes from our March 18th, 2022 meeting at Celebrate Freedom Foundation at CAE were voted on, seconded, and approved. Treasurer, Libby Berry, gave a report on recent expenditures and our bank balance as of today, indicating that our chapter is doing well financially. Don Schmotzer gave a safety presentation on "wing tip vortices" and related personal experiences he's had with them. We welcomed several guests, two of whom flew in and joined our chapter today. They are Richard "Rick" Burkey and Keith Parker. They both reside at Wexford Airpark (4SC7). Welcome aboard, guys!

     This was our last meeting prior to the Ford Tri-motor tour coming up on May 11th through 14th, 2023 at Eagle Aviation at Columbia Metropolitan Airport (CAE) in which our chapter is assisting. Therefore, we viewed a "Ford Tri-motor Volunteer Training Video" on our 65" chapter TV which was about 25 minutes in length. Chapter members who are working the morning and afternoon shifts on those dates in support of the event had been asked to attend the showing, and they indicated that they learned a lot from it. Click on the image above for more information about the Ford Tri-motor, it's history, and upcoming nationwide tours, including ours at CAE.

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