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2024 Chapter News - Page 1

Jason Christofi and his 3 kids flew into the meeting in his Mooney

November 17th Meeting, Gilbert International Airpark (SC45), 1pm-3pm

     Our final meeting of 2024 was held on Sunday, November 17th in Ron Angerman's hangar at Gilbert International Airpark (SC45). We had another delicious meal provided by members with a theme of "Thanksiving foods" which included a nice turkey with stuffing and dressing, a spiral ham, various casseroles, vegetables, many delicious desserts. tea, lemonade, and soft drinks.

     President, Randy Berry, gave us a very positive report on expenditures and proceeds from Fall Fly-in. We received many compliments on the fly-in, the food, and how well it was organized. This being our last meeting of 2024, we elected chapter officers for 2025 which are: President, Eddie Brennan; Vice-President, Stan Lawrimore; Scretary, Debbie Philbin; and Treasurer, Jim Matthews. Previous president, Randy Berry, who has been a member since it's founding 23 years ago and served as chapter president for 21 of those years, and secured our EAA charter in 2008, was honored with the title "President Emeritus" for 2025. The chapter also thanked Libby Berry, who also served as chapter treasurer for much of that time as well.

     In other news, Eddie Brenan, is again sponsoring a drive for "Toys for Tots" and offered to match all funds donated by chapter members for that worthy cause. Dave Gardner announced that he'll be flying to California commercially soon to pick up a 1975 Cessna 150M aircraft from a friend to bring it here to either keep himself and sell to someone else.

     And lastly, retired Air Traffice Controller, Mike Moore, gave us a presentation on his interesting career starting his with his posting in a remote part of Alaska, moving on to several other locations throughout his career, and eventually ending his career and retiring at Columbia Metropolitan Airport (CAE). He also answered questions that attendees had about his carreer and ATC procedures.

     Click on the photo above for more photos and videos taken by Jim Matthews,

Fall Fly-in, November 2nd, Gilbert International Airpark (SC45), 10am - 4pm

This nice completely restored 1929 Travel Air flew in

     Our Fall Fly-on held on Saturday, November 2nd was a great success! It was reported that we had 128 aviators and guests for a lunch of BBQ, hamburgers, hotdogs, various casseroles and vegetable dishes, and a number of delicious desserts. We held a 50/50 drawing and awarded 4 gift certificates to attendees based on tickets we gave them as they arrived. Kenny Hardee, who owns a boat touring service on Lake Murry, also donated a grand prize of a free Lake Murray tour for up to 6 individuals. The weather was nearly perfect, so approximately 20 planes flew in, including antique aircraft, including a 1929 Travel Air, a WWII era BT-13, and a Stearman, among other nice aircraft. We couldn't have asked for a better day. Our chpater thanks Ron Angerman for hosting the event in his nice hangar, Gilbert International Airpark for allowing it to be held there, all of our wonderful members and guests who provided the wonderful meal and support, and all of you for attending.

     Click on the photo above to see more photos and videos taken by Jim Matthews at the event. 

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