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2024 Chapter News - Page 1

June 23rd Meeting, Gilbert International Airpark (SC45), 1pm-3pm

Left - A video of a T-38 like T.R. flew in his military days; Right - Retired Airline Captain, T.R. Parrish;
Click on either of the above to view photos & videos taken by Jim Matthews at our meeting.

     Our June chapter meeting was held on June 23rd in Ron Angerman's hangar at Gilbert International Airpark (SC45). We had a delicious meal provided by members starting around 1:00pm with a theme of "picnic foods", which included chicken and other entrees, sandwiches, vegetables and various salads, several delicious desserts, tea, lemonade, and soft drinks.

     President, Randy Berry began by reporting that this is the 70th aniversary of EAA. Paul Poberezny stated EAA back in 1953 with a few of his close friends. That first year, the EAA membership was only about 36 members. Today, EAA has over 270.000 members not only in the USA, but also in many foreign countries. Randy then thanked Ron and Angela for hosting us in their magnificent home/hangar, those who donated our food, and those who made donations for the lunch. The minutes from our May 19th meeting were approved. We also had a brief financial report which indicated that our chapter is well in the black. 

     Ray Scholarship recipient, Miss Grace Lastinger, gave us a brief report on her flying progress. Grace just turned 17 on June 1st which makes her now eligible to get her private pilot certificate (PPC). She hopes to earn her PPC within the next month or so. She had hoped to take her checkride on June 20th, but due to various problems which included changing instructors, moving to a different flight school, and uncooperative weather, she's had to delay her checkride until sometime near the end of July. However, we have no doubt that she will earn it soon.

     The topic for today's presentation was "What's it like being an airline pilot?" To wake everyone up after a huge lunch, Randy began by showing a funny video demonstrating what an airline pilot should NOT be. Then, he introduced a REAL retired airpline captain, Mr. T.R. Parrish, who accumulated over 27,000 hours of flight time. T.R. flew several types of aircraft during his career ranging from a T-38 jet fighter during his military days to the Boeing 777 during his career with Delta AIrlines. He then answered questions from members and guests. Thank you, T.R. for a very informative presentation.  

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