Tree Top Flyers Logo
 Meetings & Events

Please read our COVID-19 precautions below

     Our chapter was forced to cancel a number of meetings in 2020, and again in 2021, due to conditions and restrictions forced upon us by the COVID-19 pandemic. There are even variants of Covid-19 up until now which could potentially affect even those of us who have been vaccinated.  Governor McMaster and SCDHEC have provided COVID-19 guidance to all South Carolinians regarding restrictions during the pandemic.  EAA has also provided guidance to EAA chapters. Click here to view that EAA guidance. Fortunately, the governor's orders have NOT been overly restrictive thus far. Most SC businesses and organizations can now open/operate as long as certain PRECAUTIONS are taken. Consequently, we will do our best to abide by those precautions. SCDHEC has published a simplified list of recommended precautions on their website. Click here to view those SCDHEC guidelines. Those guidelines are constantly changing, so please keep abreast of them. As you know, COVID-19 is still with us and a very serious disease, so your attendance at this meeting is ENTIRELY VOLUNTARY. If you are fearful of catching the virus, then we'll understand if you decide not to come. If you are sick in any way, we request that you please DO NOT COME. If you have have had any variant of Covid-19 recently, or if you have any type of underlying health condition(s), we suggest that you consider whether or not you really should come. With the possible exception of the new Omicron variant, vulnerablity of those of us vaccinated has lessened substantially. So, if you are tired of being stuck at home, this is an excellent opportunity to get out and socialize with your like-minded aviation friends. Also, it's very important to practice SOCIAL DISTANCING and to WASH YOUR HANDS often. Those safety measures are intended as much, if not moreso, for the protection of others as for yourself. At least 6 feet is the recommended social distance between individuals. Thank you all for for your cooperation and understanding of our predicament during these challenging times. It's the only way we can reasonably and safely resume our chapter activities. State and local regulations are constantly changing, so if there are further restrictions, we may have to curtail our chapter meetings.


Our hearts are broken over the loss of our friend and chapter member, Angela Collins.
She ascended to be with her creator on July 17th, 2024.
May she rest in peace.

Next Meeting - Sunday, August 18th, 2024, Gilbert International Airpark (SC45)

Our next chapter meeting will be held on Sunday, August 18th at Ron Angerman's hangar at Gilbert International Airpark (SC45). Fly in or drive in. The address is 332 Downwind Leg Road, Gilbert, SC 29054. The alternate date for this meeting in case of bad weather is Sunday, August 25th, 2024.

     The general format for our meetings is as follows. Specific times may vary.

                                                    TIME                                     ACTIVITY
                                                  12:00pm - 1:00pm: Members/Guests start arriving, socializing & setting up food
                                                   1:00pm - 2:00pm: Lunch is served.
                                                    2:00pm - 2:30pm: Business, EAA Video, Safety Tip, Discussions, Announcements
                                                    2:30pm - 3:00pm: Presentation (if any)
                                                    3:00pm - 4:00pm: Continued Socializing, Members/Guests Depart; Possible VMC meeting afterwards

     We plan to serve lunch beginning around 1:00pm. The food theme for this month is "cool foods", examples of which are various sandwiches, raw and cooked vegetables, salads, coleslaw, fruits, melon, jello, pasta, tortellini, and anything else cool you choose to bring on on a likely warm day. Remember, our lunches are provided through the courtesy of our member/guest volunteers. I feel sure that we can count on you again for a great variety of foods at our luncheons. I can honestly say that nobody has better food than our chapter, and we usually have plenty. I hope you agree. Let me know what foods or items that you can bring, and I'll post them in the menu below.

     The business/information portion of the meeting will begin at around 2:00pm EDT.  We'll briefly review the June 23rd meeting minutes, have a treasurer's report, and then discuss any further business items and announcements that may arise. Check here periodically and especially the week before the meeting, for updates to our agenda and our menu, which changes often as members volunteer food Items as we get closer to the meeting date.
If you'd like to help set up tables & chairs a day or two prior to the meeting at Ron's hangar, contact Ron Angerman or Debbie Hardy.

Lunch Menu
Chicken Salad Sandwiches - Libby & Randy Berry
Sloppy Joe Sliders - Debbie & Larry Philbin
Egg Salad Sandwiches - Linda & Jim Matthews

Vinegar Slaw - Debbie & Larry Philbin
Banana Pudding - Libby & Randy Berry
A Dessert - Debbie & Larry Philbin
Tea (Unsweet) - Debbie & Larry Philbin
Tea (Diet Sweet) - Libby & Randy Berry
Coke - Debbie & Larry Phibin
Ice (40 lbs) - Randy & Libby Berry

Let me know what you can bring, and I'll post it above.
Check back periodically for updates, especially the week before the meeting

Green - Volunteered to provide

Gray - Unconfirmed, but probably will bring
Red - Comments

Interesting Sites

EAA has a new website format. For a list of upcoming EAA events, click the EAA icon below.

EAA Logo

Also, check out local (and national) events at Social Flight by clicking the icon below.

Social Flight Logo

Birds on Wire

Upcoming Aviation Events

All chapter meeting dates are on Sunday, unless otherwise noted.
All chapter activities, dates, times and locations are tentative and subject to change.
Date(s) Description Time(s) Location Click for More
Click Red Arrow at Right See "Breakfast Club" Schedule 9am - Noon Click Red Arrow at Right for
Dates & Locations
Right Arrow
Sunday, August 18th 2024 July Chapter Meeting 1:00pm - 3:00pm EDT Gilbert International Airpark (SC45) - Ron's hangar Right Arrow
Triple Tree Aerodrome Schedule Various Triple Tree Aerodrome Events Click the red arrow for further details. Triple Tree Aerodrome (SC00) Right Arrow
Black = Aviation Event

Green = Planned Chapter Meeting
Brown = Holiday (or) Other Event
Light Gray = Already Held